Short Course in Confining Small Emergencies

confining small emergencies course melbourne

PUAFER008 - Confine small emergencies in a facility

This course covers the skills and knowledge required to confine small emergencies in a facility. It includes preparing for emergency situations, identifying and assessing an emergency, safely confining workplace emergencies, using initial response equipment and reporting on the facility’s emergency response.

Small emergencies in a facility include incidents such as small fires that can be controlled using a fire extinguisher; chemical spills that can be controlled using facility personal protective clothing and equipment and a spill kit; or a vehicle accident where there is no significant injury or damage.

Course Highlights

  • Nationally Recognised Training
  • Online pre-work on our interactive eLearning system.
  • 1 hour assessment time.
  • Engaging expert trainers with real-life and industry experience.
  • Hands on, fun learning environment with scenarios.
  • Live Fire Exercises
Application and Relevance
This course applies to occupants of a facility or workplace who are required to have first response firefighting and emergency skills.
  • Rowville
There are no prerequisite units. Participants will need the ability to meet the physical demands of first response including using a fire extinguisher. Participants will also need oral communication skills to make an accurate verbal report to emergency services and workplace supervisor. Participants must wear long sleeved shirt, long pants and closed-toe shoes.
Progressive assessment throughout the course, including demonstration of practical skills and written and oral questions relating to underpinning knowledge.
This course covers preparing for and identifying emergency situations, first response actions and use of fire extinguishers and chemical spill kits.
  • PUAFER008 – Confine small emergencies in a facility

Course Outline

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1 hours
This is a blended course with self-paced e-Learning and face-to-face training and assessment. Before attending for face-to-face, students will need to complete their e-Learning.
eLearning | 1.5 hours
Face to Face Assessment | 1 Hour

Book Now

Please Note: Our Rowville location is not wheelchair accessible and our training rooms are located up stairs

Upcoming Workshops

There are currently no openings available for this course.

For further information about this course or onsite training quotes please call 1300 975 889.
Please view the Critical Info on the students page prior to booking.


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